prevent my children being educated

 Nevertheless Deighton, who is now 93 years old and retired from writing, has strong views on class and education. "I would do everything I can to prevent my children being educated in England," he told an interviewer on Thames TV’s Afternoon Plus in 1983 (his children were at a small village school in France), "because the moment you step across the threshold of any school in England, you"ve put on a uniform for the class war. Everyone educated in England has been assigned rank badges for the class war."


อ่านต่อได้ที่  : โรงเรียนวัดบางกระ

สาระน่ารู้  :  ต้นหอม

ผู้ตั้งกระทู้ bird (bird-at-gmail-dot-com) :: วันที่ลงประกาศ 2022-03-01 17:06:49

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